
  • • Snoring is caused by air moving through narrow or blocked airway pasages.
  • • Snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea, a serious health condition.
  • • Your anatomy changes when you lay down and if any related structures are abnormally enlarged, your airway may become blocked.
  • • This causes brief periods where you stop breathing (apnea) and your brain wakes you up to breathe.
  • • The cycle can be repeated throughout the night and you may feel tired after sleeping all night, wake up with a headache, feel sleepy or even fall asleep during the day.
  • • You could experience problems with memory and concentration or become irritable.
  • • Sleep apnea increases your risk of developing other health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack, heart failure, stroke and even sexual dysfunction.
  • • If you snore, you may be disrupting your sleep partner’s rest and this can strain your relationship.

There are a range of treatment options we can offer to help you get a good night’s sleep. In order to determine the most effective treatment, our doctor will start with a thorough exam of your mouth, nose and throat. A sleep study may be ordered to determine which treatment will be the best option for you.

Changing a few habits may help to decrease your snoring and minimize the apnea episodes.

  1. Sleep on your side.
    This may reduce the airway blockage. You can try putting round objects in a sock such as tennis balls to keep you from rolling onto your back.
  2. Lose weight.
    Excess weight affects the size and rigidness of the related structures. Consider a Weight Watcher program to offer more support and increase your opportunity to be successful.
  3. Avoid Alcohol and certain Medications.
    Some antihistamines, sedatives, and sleeping pills can relax your throat muscles even more so thus making your snoring and apnea worse. Avoid alcohol 3 to 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. Open Nasal Passages.
    If you have nasal breathing issues, try nasal strips.

Treatment Options:

Air Pressure Treatment
CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) A mask attached to a portable air pump machine generates air pressure which holds the airway open and pushes the tissues aside so you can breathe better.

Surgical Treatment
UPPP (Uvulopharyngopalatoplasty): This involves surgical trimming of the palate and possible removal of the tonsils. Nasal surgery may also be recommended if the septum is deviated to one side and/or if the turbinates are enlarged).

A Modified Procedure involving removal of a portion of the soft palate and uvula can be performed in the office.

Note: prior to any treatment options being prescribed, a thorough exam and possible overnight oxygen monitoring study and/or sleep study may be necessary.

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